On Monday afternoon, Shah Rukh Khan shared a video capturing Coldplay’s performance, accompanied by the heartfelt text “Chris Martin forever and ever.” The iconic band is currently in India, and on Sunday, they wrapped up the second day of their much-anticipated concert in Mumbai. During this event, lead singer Chris made the night even more unforgettable by giving a shoutout to SRK.
Shah Rukh Khan REACTS to Chris Martin’s shoutout
As videos from the concert started to go viral, fans were thrilled to hear Chris Martin say “Shah Rukh Khan forever” before launching into a song. Shah Rukh himself acknowledged this warm gesture with a touching post. Khan shares a post that says, “Chris Martin Forever”.
Alongside the video, he expressed his admiration for Chris Martin in a delightful caption, referring to him as “my brother.” He wrote: “Look at the stars…look how they shine for you…and everything you do! My brother Chris Martin, you make me feel special…like your songs!! Love you and a big hug to your team. You are one in a billion, my friend. India loves you, Coldplay!!!”
Chris Martin’s shoutout to SRK has been widely circulated, resonating with both concert attendees and those who missed the event. Additionally, the band greeted the audience in Hindi, with Chris stating, “Good evening everybody. Aap sabka bohot swagat hai. Mumbai mein aakar humein bohot khushi ho rahi hai” (Welcome everyone. We are very happy to be in Mumbai).
Exclusive: Coldplay in Mumbai Concert 'Day 2' – " Shah Rukh Khan Forever."#ShahRukhKhan #Coldplay pic.twitter.com/Gtg6qamBWl
— ℣ (@Vamp_Combatant) January 19, 2025
Coldplay’s next performance in Mumbai is scheduled for January 21 at the DY Patil Sports Stadium. Following that, the band will take the stage at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium on January 25 and 26.